Saturday, September 19, 2009

Will the internet be God?

In opening Kevin Kelly stated that all of our technology including computers, cell phones, ipods, GPS etc. is really connected to this one big machine. He seems to be saying that we are not individual, and that in the future our technology not need any memory capacity because everything including word documents, excel sheets etc. will be connected to the internet. That was a lot for me to wrap my mind around. It seems to me that I am slowly going to loose my privacy through my use of technology. It led me to wonder how individuals that don't use technology will fit into the word in the next 5000 days of the internet. I became even more concerned when Kevin Kelly stated that we will all be addicted to this massive machine that controls all of our technology. I know many people who don't have access to the internet in their homes and I also know that there exists a whole sect of people who do not believe in using technology. Will they fade out of existence in the next 5000 days? Will they be seen as a sort of rebellious sect of people that is different and therefore segregated? The consequences of relying so heavily on the internet seem in my mind to outweigh the benefits.

I do not want to be an extension of a machine as Kevin predicts. I love to use technology to social network, use the online phone book, online dictionary and of course to take classes. However, I still enjoy existing in "the real world." I do not want all of my personal documents to be available online. And I certainly do not want to be an extension of the big machine that controls all technology. I do not want to be totally dependent on the internet as Kevin states will happen. I do not see the alphabet and writing as a form of technology and I don't see being depend on that in the same way that I see being dependent on the internet.

It also scared me to hear that in the next 5000 days this super machine will actually surpass humans capacity. It will in a sense become smarter than we are. I feel that this is dangerous. Dangerous in the sense that if this happens this super machine will be considered "God". Humans in my opinion are so easily swayed and manipulated. If we look at all of the different images of "God" we can begin to understand this. There seems to be a sense that anything bigger than ourselves whether it be mother nature or this image that some people believe in called "God" is meant to be worshiped. If the internet becomes bigger and faster and smarter than humans as Kevin as predicted won't we view it in the same light?



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Chelsea, I understand your concern. In some ways technology is a positive benefit and a plus. Then there is the down side of your loss of privace and independence. In regards to the people that do not use technology I believe that they are slowly going to be learning about and how to use it. My grandmother that is over 80 years old has learnt how to use the computer and even has one in her home. I remember when she had a party line and we had to learn the difference between the rings to answer the phone. We have been teaching little things to my In-Laws and they now have cell phones and a computer in their home.
    I once asked my daughter how the kids that are in their class are able to do their homework that they have to do on a computer when they do not have the internet or a computer at home. Her answer was that the child had to stay late after school if they did not have a study hall and then do their homework. They would also have to find an alternative way to get home.
    Technology is also expensive. My 13 year old daughter needed to have a Graphing Calculator for her eighth grade math class. They are over $100, now how are low income families supposed to be able to afford one of them for school?
    I also wonder about where technology is bringing us. I also worry about the repercussions of the use of technology. Are we as a whole going to forget the basics from lack of use and over dependence on technology?

  3. Mellisa,

    You made some great points. Technology does seem to be causing us to stop teaching a lot of the basics. For example many schools today have stopped teaching cursive writing. The reasoning is two fold. First it seems that most people type instead of hand writing. It is also time consuming to teach cursive and quite obviously the time is now being used on classes in technology.

    Your other point about the accesablity of technology is also valid. There are many families who fall below the poverty line here in VT and everywhere. The fact is that a lot of people are choosing to have cable and internet over healthy food. The internet seems to have a kind of hold on us and I for one believe that it is very unhealthy. I don't think that children need to spend hours on a computer or other device daily to learn how to use it or how to operate the internet.

    The last thing I wanted to comment on was the segment in which you talked about integrating technology into the lives of those who live without it. I wanted to point out that I wasn't necessarily talking individuals or groups who are merely naive I was also talking about groups that have made a choice not to use technology. Mormons for example do not use technology. I do not believe that we as a society should cater to a group solely based on their religious beliefs when it comes to teaching and using technology in schools (separation of church and state) but I do believe that it is important to recognize that not everyone will use technology. Lets not make people choose between their beliefs and a good education!

    Chelsea Szidik
